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Aug 13, 2019

Ps Patrick Fitzgerald was our guest speaker on Sunday July 28. He shared his personal testimony of growing up in a working class suburb of Dublin. Crime, unemployment, drug and alcohol abuse were all that he knew until he had a dramatic encounter with Jesus in his early 20s...

Aug 13, 2019

Ps Patrick Fitzgerld was our guest speaker on Sunday July 28. He asked the question "what do you want to be remembered for?"

Aug 12, 2019

Ps Patrick Fitzgerald was our guest on Saturday July 27. He was continuing the theme of 'Investing in the Kingdom' and specifically looking at the Father's heart.

Aug 11, 2019

Ps Patrick Fitzgerald was our guest for a series of meetings on the weekend of July 26-28. His first message on Friday July 26 introduced the theme of 'Investing in the Kingdom of God'.