Aug 21, 2023
The goodness of God is something that the whole world experiences just because God is good, it's His goodness and grace that holds back the fullness of evil over the world and in Psalm 23 David writes surely Gods goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life.
Aug 15, 2023
Many of us have at some time heard someone say - Why doesn't God just take away the pain, the suffering, the evil especially against innocents. It can be a difficult question to look at however the bible shows us the story of Job a man who God said was was righteous and yet suffering still came his way. This was...
Aug 6, 2023
We all desire success in some way or another and usually the main reason most people want to be successful is to have a good and happy life, but when things don't work the way we want or perceive we often as believers think God where are you? God’s idea of success and our cultures idea of success can often be far...
Aug 6, 2023
If God is good why do bad things happens has been a question no doubt we all have asked at some time or another. To understand this we need to look at how do we justify a good God in an evil world, this is called Theodicy. When we look at God revealing himself to Moses at the burning bush we see a Theophany and to...
Aug 6, 2023
Did you know most Christians believe the phrase "God helps those who help themselves" is in the bible, but it's not. We all live in a world where the value we place on what is good is based on our own ideology. Jesus was confronted by a man who asked him what he had to do to be good and Jesus responds with the words...